There has to be a better way. Christians long for an approach that faces suffering honestly and engages sufferers passionately—all in the context of presenting truth biblically and relevantly. We need to be able to face life’s losses in the context of God’s healing. Jesus did. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses offers no pabulum, trite platitudes, false promises, pretending, or “easy steps.” It is real and raw as it enters into the abyss of suffering and empathizes with the gravity of grinding affliction. And, like the Apostle Paul, it deals simultaneously with grieving and hoping (1 Thessalonians 4:13).
We live in a fallen world and it often falls on us. When it does, when the weight of the world crushes us, squeezes the life out of us, we need hope. New life. A resuscitated heart. A resurrected life with resurrected hope. God’s healing path is a personal journey. Dr. Kellemen uses God’s Word as the sufferers GPS: God’s Positioning System. He traces God’s pathway through grief to growth so that readers learn how to face their suffering face-to-face with God.
Written in “gift book” format for the person facing suffering, God’s Healing for Life’s Losses includes two built-in application/discussion guides (including a journal section). Perfect for individual or group use, persons suffering any type of life loss (job loss, illness, divorce, church conflict, the empty nest, death of a loved one) will benefit from the real-life wisdom they discover in God’s Healing for Life’s Losses.
Find Hope When Your Hurting—Biblically and Relevantly
You’re tired of quick quips (“Just trust God”) and false hopes (“Time heals all wounds”). You’re ready for real and raw, honest and hopeful conversation about suffering, loss, and grief—from a Christian perspective. You’re longing for real answers, for real people, with real struggles. You’ve come to the right place. When life’s losses invade your world, learn how to face suffering face-to-face with God. Learn how to journey:
- From Denial to Candor: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
- From Anger to Complaint: A Lament for Your Loss
- From Bargaining to Crying Out to God: I Surrender All
- From Depression to Comfort: God Comes
- From Regrouping to Waiting: When God Says “Not Yet”
- From Deadening to Wailing: Pregnant with Hope
- From Despairing to Weaving: Spiritual Mathematics
- From Digging Cisterns to Worshipping: Finding God
Robert W. Kellemen, Ph.D., LCPC: Dr. Kellemen has been married for twenty-nine years to his college sweetheart, Shirley. Shirley and Bob have two young adult children. Josh is twenty-five and married to Andi, and is in law school in Washington State. Marie is twenty-one and is a college senior at Purdue, majoring in chemistry, and lives at home with Bob and Shirley in Crown Point, Indiana.
Bob graduated with his BS in Pastoral Ministry from Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, PA. He earned his Th.M. in Theology and Biblical Counseling from Grace Seminary in Winona Lake, IN. He has his Ph.D. in Counselor Education from Kent State University. Dr. Kellemen is also a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC).
Dr. Kellemen pastored three churches in Ohio and Maryland. In two of those churches he was an Associate Pastor focused on counseling and equipping. He also served as a Sr. Pastor.
For over a dozen years, Dr. Kellemen was the Chairman of the Master of Arts in Christian Counseling and Discipleship Department at Capital Bible Seminary. He is now the Professor-at-Large for that program.
In his role as Founder and CEO of RPM Ministries, Bob writes, speaks, and consults about Christ-centered, comprehensive, compassionate, and culturally-informed biblical counseling and spiritual formation.
Dr. Kellemen is also the Executive Director of the Center for Church Equipping for the Association of Biblical Counselors. Additionally, he serves as the Launch Director for the new Biblical Counseling Coalition. Bob writes the biblical counseling book reviews for the Gospel Coalition. He also pens reviews on a wide variety of topics for Discerning Reader.
In all his spare time, Bob coaches high school wrestling, plays in a men’s softball league, runs daily, loves sci-fi, and is a life-long diehard Chicago Cubs fan.
To read an interview with the author on God's Healing For Life's Losses click here.
To read my review on God's Healing For Life's Losses click here.
To order your purchase your copy of God's Healing For Life's Losses visit RPM Ministries or click here.

This looks like a great book for anyone who has suffered a loss.
Just wondering what you thought of the book? I'm interested in purchasing it but would like to hear your thoughts first.
I absolutely LOVED this book. Unfortunately migraines have been getting the best of me. I'll try to post a short review in the next day or so but highly recommend it!
Nice post and cool blog! Keep it up :D
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